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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why do people make others fall when they pray over them?

This question was asked by my dear brother Sam Kuruvilla! This is my answer to him!
Sam I agree with you 100%. We cannot say that a) All demon possessed fall down when they get delivered. Jesus in His deliverance/healing ministry seems to deliberately stay away from stereotyping. B) All those who are empowered by the Holy Spirit in a special/powerful/mighty way need not necessarily have to fall front or back. C) Being so over powered has some OT references but in the in the NT at the Birth of the Church on the day of Pentacost the Holy Spirit came to dwell permanently in the hearts of those who are Born Again. Being filled in the spirit demands a life long growth and process! This being so there is no need or precedence in the NT scripture to show the need to exhibit falling as a sign of His presence.
The sad part is some ministers want to stereotype methods that make them unique/stand out/more powerful than the rest. It is something like product branding. Some do it deliberately and some may do it ignorantly, all the same they both are wrong. No one method or man can claim exclusive power or access to God! God is not partial!!!
Having made clear where I stand I want to warn you in love of another stereo typing that comes from some well meaning, Bible centered, theologically sound and very correct men and women of God. That is putting God in their theological and Doctrinal boxes. They talk in absolutes even when the Bible is silent. A neutral question I ask without bias "Where in the Bible does it say one should not fall front or back?" You see my brother, while I definitely say that not all need to fall I would also say that it is OK to fall if that is what one felt. Only I cannot claim some extra privilege because of my fall one way or the other.
I have walked with God in the Light of the Scripture for 49 years, I cannot be proud of this in any way but His grace has brought thus far in spite of my infirmities. In my walk with God He taught me one thing very clearly "when the scripture is not clear on a particular point don't make your obsolete doctrine on that".
Finally I know and have practiced a litmus test in these situations - "Does this event or act Honor Jesus Christ" Holy Spirit does not seek attention to Himself. He stays in the background and Glorifies Jesus Christ. In some of the cases of falling etc., The Holy spirit or man seems to draw all the attention. In this case it is not God in action but the deceiver or the flesh is in action.
I love you and admire you my brother. You remind me of me when I was a young minister. I see you doing mighty things fore God even much more in the future. I pray for you often because Satan is very angry at you. I pray that He who has called you for mighty works will keep you safe from the evil one. 1 Cor. 10:12 & 13. 1 cor.1:9.
Love you dearly my brother.
Your servant for His sake
Mano Daniel

1 comment:

  1. The same question was in my mind for a very long time.
